Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Hi; my name is Lindsey. I used to write regularly for LA.Cityzine.com - local happenings and news-ish information about Los Angeles and everything in it - before having recently transitioned over to music site BeatCrave.com (reviews, news, etc.). Needless to say, it's been a great experience writing outside the realm of Steno pads, neon Post-Its, and regular blogging, especially in reference to the things that concern us in the normal day-to-day.

That aside, one of my favorite things to conjure up on Mondays were the Transit LA pseudo-articles that touched on news issues regarding transportation in Los Angeles, while simultaneously taking a stab at where to go, what to do, how to make Los Angeles a little more central in the eyes of the everyday passenger. As dear to my heart this was to pitch - as a regular passenger, pedestrian, and bicyclist myself - I wanted to at least make a concerted effort to continue on here, at this makeshift blog which will hopefully reach those who want to get from Point A to Point B efficiently. Obviously, that's something all of us would like to do; it's just that some of us choose to go without four wheels in or at the end of our driveway.

Whatever your situation is - part-time driver, full-time pedestrian/bus-rider, cyclist, or spectator - the goal's to get you around town. Hopefully this page will give some insight on how to simplify your commute and your playtime, without forcing you to pare down the contents of your wallet. To get an idea of what I'm talking about, feel free to check out prior postings below, as well as to offer any and all input - and of course, check back every so often to see what updates are in store:

Transit LA: There's Life Underground - 08/27/08
Transit LA: Back to the Grind - 09/01/08
Transit LA: Gold Line Underground Eastside Extension - 09/08/08
Transit LA: Measure R for Better Transport? - 09/15/08